6th International Workshop
Weighted Automata: Theory and Applications
WATA 2012
May 29 – June 2, 2012, Dresden, Germany
May 29 – June 2, 2012, Dresden, Germany
List of Tutorials
- J. Esparza and M. Luttenberger (München, Germany).
Derivation tree analysis of fixed-point equations over semirings - O. Kupferman (Jerusalem, Israel).
Weighted Automata - A. Sarkar (Burnaby, Canada).
Strings to Trees to Strings: A Survey of Tree Adjoining Grammars
List of Survey Lectures
- F. Drewes (Umeå, Sweden).
Weighted Automata, Coloured Pictures, and More - Z. Ésik (Szeged, Hungary).
Axiomatizing weighted bisimulation - P. Gastin and B. Monmege (Cachan, France).
Efficient computations with pebbles - L. Kallmeyer (Düsseldorf, Germany).
Weighted Deductive Parsing using Probabilistic Linear Context-Free Rewriting Systems - K. Knight (Marina del Rey, Califormia).
Generative Processes for Human Language Translation: Strings, Trees, and Graphs - K. Larsen (Aalborg, Denmark).
From Priced Timed Automata to Energy Games - K. Quaas (Leipzig, Germany).
The Fruitful interplay of Weighted Automata and Weighted Timed Automata
List of Technical Contributions
List of technical contributions accepted for presentation (in alphabetic order):
- M. Berlinkov (Ekaterinburg).
Markov Chains and Synchronizing Automata - B. Bollig (Cachan), P. Gastin (Cachan), B. Monmege (Cachan), M. Zeitoun (Bordeaux).
Series and Infinite Sums: Automata, Expressions, and Logic. - F. Braune, N. Seemann, D. Quernheim, A. Maletti (Stuttgart).
Machine Translation with Multi Bottom-up Tree Transducers. - J. Bubenzer (Potsdam), B.W. Watson (Stellenbosch).
A Minimality-Preserving Regular Calculus of ADFA’s. - M. Büchse, T. Dietze, J. Osterholzer, A. Fischer, L. Leuschner (Dresden).
VANDA – A Statistical Machine Translation Toolkit. - M. Büchse, A. Fischer (Dresden).
Deciding the Twins Property for Weighted Tree Automata over Extremal Semifields. - M. Ćirić, J. Ignjatović (Niš).
Fuzziness in Automata Theory: Why? How? - G. Crosswhite (Queensland).
Embracing divergence: an approach to generalizing weighted automata to infinite words with applications in quantum simulation. - N. Damljanović, M. Ćirić, J. Ignjatović (Niš).
Bisimulations for weighted automata. - M. Droste, D. Götze, S. Märcker, I. Meinecke (Leipzig).
Weighted Tree Automata over Valuation Monoids and Their Characterization by Weighted Logics. - U. Fahrenberg (Rennes), A. Legay (Rennes), K. Quaas (Leipzig).
Büchi Conditions for Generalized Energy Automata. - B. Felgenhauer (Innsbruck), S. Schwarz (Zwickau), J. Waldmann (Leipzig).
Size-Change Termination and Tropical Matrix Monoids. - N. Fijalkow (Paris), H. Gimbert (Bordeaux), Y. Oualhadj (Bordeaux).
Deciding the Value 1 Problem of Probabilistic Leaktight Automata. - Z. Fülöp (Szeged), H. Vogler (Dresden).
Weighted Tree Automata and Branching Transitive Closure Logics. - M. Huber, Chr. Kölbl (Augsburg).
Weighted Automata as Semantic Representation. - J. Ignjatović, M. Ćirić, V. Simović (Niš).
Subsystems of Fuzzy Transition Systems. - I. Jančić, Z. Jančić, J. Ignjatović, M. Ćirić (Niš).
Fuzzy automata: Determinization using simulations. - Z. Jančić, I. Jančić, J. Ignjatović, M. Ćirić (Niš).
Fuzzy and weighted automata: Canonization methods. - B. Jurish (Berlin-Brandenburg), K.-M. Würzner (Potsdam).
Multi-threaded composition of weighted finite-state transducers. - E, Kabanova (Novosibirsk).
Distance between formulas of the five-valued Lukasiewicz logic and the uncertainty measure of expert statements. - D. Kirsten (Berlin).
Decidability, Undecidability, and PSPACE-Completeness of the Twins Property in the Tropical Semiring. - K. Lehmann, R. Peñaloza (Dresden).
The Complexity of Computing the Behaviour of Weighted Büchi Automata over Lattices. - S. Lombardy, J. Sakarovitch (Paris).
On the weighted closure problem. - A. Maletti, D. Quernheim (Stuttgart).
Pushing for weighted tree automata. - I. Meinecke, K. Quaas (Leipzig).
Parameterized Model Checking of Weighted Networks. - V. Perevoshchikov (Leipzig).
Büchi-Type Theorems for Unambiguous, Functional and Multi-Weighted Automata. - T. Stüber (Dresden).
Consistency of Probabilistic Context-Free Grammars. - Th. Weidner (Leipzig).
Probabilistic Automata and Probabilistic Logic.